Might mac cleaner
Might mac cleaner

might mac cleaner

If we need a tool, we describe what we’re looking for and they help us get the right tool for the job. It doesn’t matter who picks up the phone, whether it’s Steve or Bob or Justin or Mac or whoever, they always know who we are and are ready to help us with anything we need. “Working with American Caddy Vac is like working with family. Mac is also the one who told us about the National Air Duct Cleaners Association, so we got involved with them almost since day one of our business and we’ve received some good training from them as well.” They really helped us gain an understanding of what were getting into and what we were going to be doing. It was really good training and the guys were helpful.


“When we first decided this was what we were going to do, Steve flew up to Lewiston and spent a week or a week and a half working in Mac’s duct cleaning business with his crew, learning how to do the job.

might mac cleaner

Steve got his initial training from American Caddy Vac as well. Jo says, “Our competition just run portables, but what really stands out with American Caddy Vac is the power! It is just unprecedented! There is no way to not do a decent job with all that power! Of course we always train our guys and keep a close eye on them to make sure they’re doing a good job, but the sheer power of the American Caddy Vac means that the job gets done right every time.”

might mac cleaner

That’s why their business has been able to stay ahead of the competition. They are never satisfied with “good enough”. They have high expectations of themselves.


But we ended up going back with the truck because the portable just couldn’t get the job done to the standard that we believed it should be done.”Īnd that’s the key with Mighty Ducts. A while ago, we had an accident with one of our trucks so it was out of commission for a while so we had to use one of our portables to clean a boiler. “We never want to use the portables… we just use them when we have to. They do own a couple of portable units for commercial jobs where it is impossible to get a truck in. They run a fleet of two American Caddy Vacs with an expanded crew of 6, but they have purchased 5 units from American Caddy Vac over the years. They clean residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Jo and Steve have been in business for 19 years now. So yeah, we absolutely would not be in business without their help.” At that point we didn’t have enough experience, so once again we were on the phone with Mac, or on the phone with his wife Donna, doing what they had to do to help us through it. So people started seeing that rolling billboard (the American Caddy Vac truck with Mighty Ducts’ distinctive branding) and they started calling! We were about a year into the business and we had the entire school district in the next county wanting us to come do their school. I can’t tell you, that first few years, how many hours Mac spent on the phone with us, coaching us through different job scenarios because there wasn’t anybody here who had that kind of equipment. We had no experience! So Mac and Donna (Mac and Donna Mattoon from American Caddy Vac) just absolutely took us by the hand. Mac is the reason we are still in business.

might mac cleaner

Jo says, “We purchased our first cleaner from American Caddy Vac in1999.

Might mac cleaner